Monday, September 12, 2011

Overkill - Short Film

Thank you for taking the time to review and consider this project.   “Overkill” is a suspense-thriller set in an unnamed South American metropolis.  One detail that sets this film apart from many others is that there is absolutely no dialogue.  The story is told completely through visual language.
Video for Kickstarter

The Story
The film follows a day in the life of an assassin for hire.  He’s a dark, twisted soul, whose path takes him from seedy underground bars, through the city’s back alleys, and eventually to the high-rise window from which he takes aim at his prey with a high powered rifle.  As usual, setting up for the  kill comes easy to him.  He’s good at it.  Everything runs like clockwork, until an unexpected delay throws his calculations off.  He suddenly realizes it’s all part of a plan to turn the tables on him.   Just as it’s too late he realizes that he has unwittingly become the target.  
The Look
The look of this film is a visual homage to such classics as “The Third Man” and “A Touch of Evil” with stark scenes obscured by smoke and shadows.  The camera will have sudden, precise movements with emphasis on composition.  
Storyboard and Animatic
To demonstrate how the drama will unfold, we have created a storyboard and an  animatic.  An animatic is a video presentation using images from the storyboard to get an idea of how the film will be shot.  In our animatic, we added sound effects, music and some footage to make it more complete.


The Cast
The assassin is played by Pedro Frugone, a Latin American rock star and ex-member for the hugely popular band, “La Ley”.  He is a three time Grammy winner and has sold millions of records.  Opposite him is the highly talented and acclaimed actress Maria Jose Prieto, who is a star in her own right in South America (google them!).  Both actors are seasoned professionals who each have their own sphere of influence that can help when it comes time to promote the film.  
The Locations
Everything is set to shoot this film in Santiago, Chile.  This is a large city with over 6 million people.  With its historical architecture and its modern sky-scrapers, Santiago has the all the visual requirements we need to create the world our characters live in.   The crews are professional and experienced, and the cost vs. production value here is unbeatable when compared to the cost of shooting in the states.  The quality of this film will greatly exceed its budget.
After Shooting
The day after filming is completed, we will go straight into the post production process.  Once the film is finished we plan to submit it to the world-wide festival circuit.  My previous projects have had good runs at festivals in the USA, Europe and Latin America, with official selections at important festivals and a few awards.   So we know the drill, and I have hopes that “The Hit” will also be well received.  In addition, we will pursue other avenues of distribution, both traditional alternative. 

Past Work

"Johnny 100 Pesos"

"Diplomatic Siege"

"Ciro Norte"

"Commercial Sizzle Reel"

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